Rendement & opbrengst vakantiewoning Spanje

Financieel Plan Spanje woningaankoop

Rendement verhuur vakantiewoning Spanje Welke opbrengst en rendement kun je verwachten in Spanje? Lees de blog Rendement op je vastgoed investering in Spanje: Je wilt gaan beleggen in vastgoed in Spanje, bueno! Maar, een essentieel onderdeel is of het wel genoeg opbrengt én of het dus voldoende rendeert. We vertellen je meer over je rendement &…

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Verhuurhypotheek in Spanje

verhuurhypotheek Spanje

Verhuurhypotheek in Spanje Bestaat deze en hoe werkt dit? Lees de blog Bestaat er een verhuurhypotheek in Spanje? Het korte antwoord is: nee! Spaanse banken kennen geen verhuurhypotheek die kijkt naar de (verwachte) inkomsten versus de voorspelde vaste lasten. Het lange antwoord is: alhoewel de Spaanse banken dit niet aanbieden zijn er wél alternatieven waar…

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Hypotheek in Portugal (verkrijgen)

Hypotheek in portugal

Hypotheek in Portugal (verkrijgen) Hoe regel je een Portugese hypotheek? Lees de blog Portugal is een geliefde bestemming voor veel Nederlanders en Belgen, zowel voor jaarlijkse vakanties als voor een tweede huis of om te genieten van hun pensioen. Alhoewel we bij Hypotheek in Spanje Direct voornamelijk op de Spaanse markt richten, bieden we sinds…

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Contracts when buying Spanish property

Contracts when buying Spanish property

Contracts when buying Spanish property All contracts at a glance Read this blog What contracts should I sign? When buying a Spanish property, you need to sign several contracts. What is the difference between all contracts? What conditions must this meet? Read all contracts carefully before you sign this. Booking a property subject to financing,…

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Apply for NIE number Spain

Apply for NIE number Spain

NIE Number home-purchase Spain How do you arrange your NIE number to buy a Spanish dream home? Read this blog An NIE-number, Numeró Identificación de Extranjeros, is similar to the Dutch Citizen Service Number (BSN). So this is important, because you will need this number at official institutions in Spain. If you are going to…

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The Spanish collateral

The Spanish collateral

The Spanish collateral Important info for when buying a home Read this blog A Spanish mortgage is based on the financial situation of the mortgage applicant as well as the Spanish collateral.. Realise that buying a Spanish property is a different story from buying a Dutch property. Does the property have the right permits? Are…

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In 5 steps to a Spanish mortgage

In 5 steps to a Spanish mortgage

Mortgage process in Spain explained A mortgage in 6 steps Read this blog The steps for obtaining a Mortgage in Spain A handy step-by-step guide to the process of obtaining a Spanish mortgage. Find out what steps you need to take here! Step 1. Do a financing check It is wise to check (online and…

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How do I check a property in Spain for defects?

How do I check a property in Spain for defects?

Checking Spanish property in Spain for defects How do you approach this when making a purchase? Read this blog How do I check a property in Spain for defects? You are going to buy a property in Spain. Then it is important to check the property carefully for proper permits and registrations. In fact, it…

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Documents for a mortgage in Spain

Documents for a mortgage in Spain

Documents for a mortgage in Spain What do you need and what do you need to provide? Read this blog What documents do you need for your mortgage application? The Spanish bank will request several documents since you are a foreigner applying for a mortgage in Spain. Your entire financial situation will therefore have to…

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Buying a Spanish property… Don’t be fooled!

Buying a Spanish property... Don't be fooled!

Spanish home purchases… Don’t be fooled! Don’t fall for the hectic buying process! Read this blog A hectic buying process in Spain You came across a beautiful property during an unexpected house hunt on your Spanish holiday. A property entirely to your taste, with the expected garden and swimming pool. Amazing! You cannot hide your…

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